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Photogenic Contest & Fees

1. Contest is available to all contestants, per category.
2. Additional entry fee of $15 per photo is required (2 photo entries = $30)
3. Limit of two photos per contestant
4. Photo must be one of the following sizes only: 3x5, 4x6 or 5x7
5. Black & White OR Color are both allowed.
6. If you choose the same photo that is required with the entry form, please submit an additional cop
y of that
7. Do not staple to application or write on back of photo.
8. Attach a label on the back of each photo with the following information:
  Name, “Photogenic” Age, Additional Pageant Information
9. "Photogenic" contestants can bring their entries to practice with them on Friday evening in an envelope with the name clearly labeled on the front. 
10. Each entry must include a headshot (no body) with your application in addition to any photogenic entries. Sizes allowed: 3x5, 4x6, or 5x7. Color or Black & White.
11. Do not staple to application or write on back of photo. Please affix a label to the back of the photos with entrants Name and Age.

Contestant information for these specific age categories only: Little Miss, Junior Miss, Jr. Teen Miss, Teen Miss & Miss

1. *Little, Junior, Jr. Teen, Teen and Miss will have an Outfit of Choice portion in their competition. Outfit of Choice theme is “Country Chic”. Outfit is of the competitors’ choice, allowing them to show their personality. The outfit must be age appropriate. Contestants cannot have a pre-choreographed routine for their outfit. Specific music will not be allowed.

2. *Little, Junior, Jr. Teen, Teen and Miss will perform an Opening Number/Introduction at the beginning of the competition. Contestants must wear presentable Sunday dress / interview attire. No strapless tops, flip flops or backless shoes as the girls will be moving across the stage. This number will be taught the night of rehearsal. NO JEANS/DENIM; Strapless, Spaghetti, and halter dresses are prohibited.

3. **Junior, Jr. Teen, Teen and Miss will have a Personal Interview with the judges. This will allow the judges to get to know the contestants as well as testing their speaking skills. Interviews will be 5-7 minutes. Contestants will wear something presentable (Sunday dress) that you would wear to a job interview (NO JEANS/DENIM; Strapless, spaghetti, and halter dresses are prohibited). This exact attire will be worn for the Opening Number / Introduction.

Official Pageant Rules

Please note that the pageant is open to surrounding counties.

1. Entrant must be a U.S. citizen and never have: been convicted of a crime, has any criminal charges pending
against them or has any adjudication pending against them. Entrants shou
ld not have engaged in any activities that are characterized as dishonest, immoral, or indecent.

2. The entrant is and will continue to be a person of good moral character; he/she has not committed and will not commit any acts inconsistent with the highest standards of public morals and convictions, or that he/she reflects unfavorably on the Pageant Royalty. This includes any postings on social media.

3. Female entrants must be single; have never been married, divorced, or had a marriage annulled; Must have never been pregnant, nor may become pregnant or married during the time of her reign.

4. Any piercing, other than 2 earlobe piercings, must be removed prior to pageant. 

5. No visible tattoos or body art.

6. Entrant is required to attend all workshops and rehearsals.

7. All information and photos submitted become the property of the Pageant Committee.
Nothing will be returned, including pictures. Please make additional copies for yourself. Once the packet is turned in, no revisions may be made unless requested by Pageant Coordinator. Names of applicants will not be released to others entering the competition.

8. Mandatory two entrants per age category to hold specific title competition (excluding photogenic). In the event of a limited number of registered contestants in any age category, the Pageant Coordinator and Committee have the right to remove and/or combine any age category. If an age category is removed, the entrant will be contacted and refunded application fees in full.

9. Entrant will be placed in age category based on their age on the day of the competition.

10. Entrant agrees to pay the entry fee in full. Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted. All fees are nonrefundable. Make payable to: Hastings Main St, Inc.

11. Entrant, family, and affiliates agree the judges’ decision is final.

12. Entrant has not previously held the title they will be competing for.

13. Hastings Main Street, Inc., Pageant Coordinator, and Committee are not responsible for any items that are lost or stolen.

14. All minor contestants must have a parent/legal guardian or adult (18 years or older) present during the Rehearsal and Pageant Competition.

15. Only one adult (18 years or older), parent or guardian per competitor backstage for competition night and rehearsal night. Contestants must pick up after themselves backstage.

16. NO parents allowed backstage during personal interviews. (Junior – Miss Contestants only.)

17. The deadline for submitting applications for the Miss Potato Queen Beauty Pageant is April 5th at 5 p.m.

** Points from overall score will be deducted if these rules are not followed. **

Official Pageant Schedule
Sunday, April 27         12-4:30 p.m.  

If chosen to represent 2025 Hastings Pageant Royalty in any category, the entrant and parent/legal guardian agrees:

1. To be available during the festival for appearances.

2. Not to partake in any alcoholic beverages, smoking cigarettes, or using any illegal drugs. No public fighting, swearing or nude photos while holding this title. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other online social media will be monitored by the pageant committee.

3. To obtain approval in advance from the Pageant Coordinator for all personal appearances, as well as any photography sessions (in sash and crown) as Royalty.

4. It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian of the Queen to provide all transportation to and from all events.

5. Queen, parent or legal guardian must contact Pageant Coordinator to notify of an absence from an appearance. Some appearances will be on short notice. Please note that most appearances will be for the Little Miss-Miss Queens.

6. You will be responsible for the funding of supplies throughout the reign, such as (but not limited to), embroidered name on the back of sash, royalty robes, chair cover, parade/float fees, T-Shirt, sash pin, mileage, fuel, parking expenses, event entrance fees, car magnets, and car rentals for parade (if need be). If you are unable to provide the funds for these items, private sponsorships are allowed but are the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

7. Queen must have permission be able to compete in another title holding pageant during the time of their reign. (Please see Pageant Coordinator if you need specifics.) If you continue to compete in other pageant organizations, this title must be represented for any local event. Because we are an encouraging and uplifting team, we would love to be aware of your competitions to come and support if possible.

8. If for any reason a Queen is unable to fulfill their duties, they are to turn in all awards (crown, sash, trophies, etc.) immediately. If this is not done, the Pageant Committee has the right to pursue legal action. You will be responsible for the total cost of all awards. (Supplies funding will not be compensated.)

9. Queen must reside locally during their entire reign. If at any time you must move, please notify the Pageant Coordinator.

10. Contact information must be up to date with Pageant Coordinator at all times, such as, cell phone numbers, home numbers, and email addresses. Please be aware that Facebook is our primary form of communication throughout the year and you will need to check these accounts frequently.

11. Upon winning, you are responsible for attending all scheduled events, meetings and guest appearances. All events and appearances will have a specific dress code that must be followed.

12. You will be representing your title for a year. You are expected to be well behaved and respectful at all times. No public display of affection in crown and sash, no boyfriends allowed during appearances.

13. As some of your many gifts upon winning, you will receive a crown, sash, trophy, and gift item(s) awarded to you. These items are yours to keep after your reign has ended. If any of the provided items are lost or damaged, items will be replaced by the Pageant Coordinator and Committee at your expense. Prior approval of any damaged, broken, replaceable items must be obtained from the Pageant Coordinator before replacing any items. These items will be ordered by Pageant Coordinator. You may not replace your crown, sash, trophy and gifted item(s).

14. All appearances as Royalty must be made in the crown and sash that was awarded to you. You may not at any time wear just your crown. Crown MUST be worn with sash. For certain appearances, you may wear your sash alone.

15. Any and all rules, regulations and/or requirements are subject to change due to any federal, state and local government mandate. If such changes occur, a notification (or notifications) will be issued to agents, instructors, advisors and registered participants via the official registered contact information on file.


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HASTINGS MAIN STREET Inc., is a designated 501(c)(3). Your investment is tax deductible.

PO Box 16

Hastings, FL 32145


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©2025 by Hastings Main Street., Inc.

​Florida 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization; License CH#71373 

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